Preço electricidade no Chile cai 75% com abertura do mercado

No fórum geral debatem-se temas sobre as energias renováveis e alternativeis que não se encaixem nos restantes sub fóruns.
Também serve para discutir formas de melhorar a eficiência energética.

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Membro Silver
Membro Silver
Mensagens: 440
Registado: terça abr 23, 2013 9:50 pm

Preço electricidade no Chile cai 75% com abertura do mercado

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A 75 percent drop in electricity rates, thanks to a quadrupled clean generation capacity, is one of the legacies to be left in Chile by the administration of Michelle Bachelet, who steps down on Mar. 11.

In December 2013, the electricity supply tender for families, companies and small businesses was awarded at a price of 128 dollars per megawatt hour, compared to just 32.5 dollars in the last tender of 2017.
De 12,8 cent / kWh em 2013 para 3,25 cents / kWh em 2017 , nada mau, tudo graças a uma verdadeira liberalização do mercado que não acontece em países como Portugal:

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The new regulatory framework changed things and allowed many actors, Chilean or foreign, to enter the industry, thanks to bidding rules that gave more room to bids for generating electricity from non-conventional renewable energies (NCRE), mainly photovoltaic and wind, the most efficient sources in the country.
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“Democratisation means that every person who has resources or who can acquire them, becomes a generator of energy for their own consumption and that of their neighbours. Let new actors come in, but also citizens. These new actors are the indigenous communities, the community sector and the municipalities, which are not after profits,” he asserted. ... ill-chile/

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Re: Preço electricidade no Chile cai 75% com abertura do mercado

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